Quantification and evaluation of calcium, magnesium, strontium, copper,zinc and iron in samples oseas and serum sanguineo of patients withartrosis

The levels by Spectroscopy of Atomic Absorption in Flame (EAA) of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), strontium (Sr) copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) in bone and sanguineous samples were determined in 17 patients with clinical references of arthrosis. Arthrosis is a chronic disease characterized by the wearing down and the progressive degeneration of the intra articular cartilage loints, which causes pain, loss of normal mobility and deformation. Although all the structures you will articulate can be affected, the anatomical changes are mainly located in the cartilage to articulate and the bone to yuxtaarthicular. To grief that the arthrosis is commonest of the rheumatic diseases, their pathogenesis perfectly is not clarified. It could be a secondary affection to other diseases that cause to the deterioration and the deformity to articulate, or to be originated by repeated traumas you will articulate. It is known that its incidence is increased with the advance of the age, and that the pathology differs from those producers of other inflammatory rheumatic diseases, like for example rheumatoid arthritis. Numerous works of investigation develop new methods to study the cells, the chemistry and the function of the cartilage, producing a fast development of our knowledge on the arthrosis. The arthrosis to say itself then is a crystallization of the bony weave by accumulation of Ca and Mg (at level of the cartilages or cortical zone), specifically in the joints (calcification). Probably the cortical one is presumed that the Ca, Sr and Mg pay attention to some zone of the bone, producing the crystallization the Faith, is a intrinsic component of the bony matrix., elements, mainly Ca, Sr, Mg and Cu tend to migrate to the sanguineous torrent, conserving the mechanism of homeostasis. The Zn, on the other hand showed its antagonistic effect with the Cu. Being these results of a cross-sectional study, such they are not conclusive. Single they allowed observing the behavior of the different studied elements.. The analyzed samples come from patient arthrosis submissive operations for effects of prothesys or reconstruction of the bone damage. The analysis of the results shows a close relationship between the content of these elements, sex and the studied, being but marked pathology for Ca, Sr, Mg and Cu. Our results are in agreement with previous reports showing that Mg helps to fix Ca and Sr. helps bone reabsorption whereas a deficit of Cu could be associated with bone alterations
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