Obstetric History and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk

During normal pregnancy, several metabolic and hemodynamic alterations occur in order to ensure normal fetal development. A pregnant woman’s failure to overcome these alterations may result in hypertensive pregnancy disorders (gestational hypertension, preeclampsia/eclampsia) or gestational diabetes mellitus. Recent studies have shown that these complications not only affect the pregnancy outcome but are also related to vascular dysfunction that persists postpartum. Moreover, there is an established association between hypertensive pregnancy disorders, gestational diabetes mellitus, and subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life. Despite the numerous data that support this association, most obstetricians and primary healthcare physicians dot not provide appropriate postpartum follow-up and counseling to women with increased risk of CVD. Lifestyle modifications in association with close follow-up applied early after labor in women with complicated pregnancies may provide early diagnosis and prevention of future cardiovascular events. Therefore, it is essential for the physicians to understand the importance of obstetric history as a predictive factor of CVD and incorporate it in the daily practice in order to optimize the management of women with increased CVD risk and subsequently reduce CVD rates in women.
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