Extra AV Nodal Wenckebach Periodicity

Summary Extra AV nodal Wenckebach periodicity was diagnosed in seven patients. The most frequent form of this conduction abnormality was an exit block. The underlying block was localized in the sinoatrial junction and in the atria in two patients; the AV junction and the ventricle were the site of the Wenckebach periodicity in one case each. In extra AV nodal exit block, the actual conduction delay is not seen on the ECG and the diagnosis is based on the progressive shortening of the P-P or R-R intervals followed by a pause which is less than twice the shortest P-P (R-R) interval depending on the level of the block. A Wenckebach periodicity in the bundle branches or within the reentry pathway each occurred in one patient. In these forms of Wenckebach periodicity, the diagnosis is established more readily because the conduction delay can be demonstrated on the surface ECG. The clinical significance of extra AV nodal Wenckebach periodicity is discussed.
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