Эффективность сукцинатсодержащего препарата в терапии сопровождения при лечении коморбидного туберкулёза в условиях пенитенциарного учреждения

The aim of the study was to analyze the features of the organization of therapy for patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB/HIV) and the effectiveness of pharmacotherapeutic approaches under the conditions of penitentiary institutions. Materials and methods: the data on the incidence and effectiveness of specialized medical care for TB/HIV patients were analyzed for a ten-year period in the population of penitentiary institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of one of the subjects of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. Therapy and examination of patients with TB/HIV was carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and using generally accepted diagnostic methods. The patients consulted the staff of the departments of the FSBEI HE KSMU to verify the diagnosis and correct treatment regimens. Results: the analysis showed that, despite the stabilization of the TB epidemic situation, the epidemiological indicators for comorbid TB/HIV are increasing in the penitentiary health sector, which is due to an increase in the number of HIV-infected patients. In order to intensify the treatment of patients with TB/HIV in the population of the penitentiary system, it is necessary to give priority to social and sanitary prevention, primarily in risk groups — HIV-infected and individuals with residual lung changes. The inclusion of Remaxol in the therapy regimens for TB/HIV patients promotes rapid relief of hepatotoxic reactions and, as a consequence, increases the effectiveness of the primary therapy, which is illustrated by clinical observation.
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