[Treatment of proximal humeral fractures in Germany: Influence of the level of hospital care and the frequency of treatment].

Various treatment options exist for displaced proximal humeral fractures. The impact of the level of hospital care and frequency of treatment on current treatment regimens in Germany was analyzed.A total of 576 hospitals were included. The survey covered questions on frequency, diagnostics, classification, therapy, complications, and clinical scenarios.In all, 48% of the hospitals returned the questionnaire: 73% treat more than 60% of the fractures surgically, mainly with angle-stable implants. The angle-stable plate is the treatment of choice for young patients, but older patients are treated using other treatment options. Problems and complications included malreduction, secondary displacement, screw perforation, avascular necrosis, and impingement. According to treatment indication, implant choice, and common complications, no significant differences between the level of hospital care and frequency of treatment were observed.Independent of the level of hospital care and frequency of treatment, there is a trend for head-preserving angular-stable surgery with a homogenous level of treatment in Germany.
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