The Test–Retest Reliability of the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-Short Form in Youth with Down Syndrome—A Pilot Study

Background: It is unclear whether assessments of motor proficiency are reliable for individuals with Down syndrome. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the test–retest reliability of the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-Short Form (BOT-2 SF) in youth with Down syndrome. Methods: Ten youth (ages 13.1–20.7 years) with Down syndrome completed the BOT-2 SF (14 items) plus a standing long jump on two separate occasions. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and standard error of measurement (SEM) were calculated to determine the test–retest reliability of the BOT-2 SF and the standing long jump. Results: The test–retest reliability of the BOT-2 SF overall scores and percentile rankings were considered excellent. The test–retest reliability of each of the subtests varied with classifications of poor (n = 5), fair to good (n = 6), and excellent (n = 4). Conclusion: Current evidence suggests that children with Down syndrome have reduced motor skills. However, there appears to be a lack of assessment tools that reliably evaluate the motor skills of this population. The results from this investigation suggest that the BOT-2-SF provides “excellent reliability” (≥0.75) to assess the motor skills in youth with Down syndrome.
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