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Alcohol Abuse and Complications

A author write about this: "It is manifestly clear that the alcohol tends to eliminate for independent thought and calm judgment since it fatally stimulates fantasy. It also shockingly debilitates ethical sense and individual liberty.Dictators from the past, tyrants were not unaware that it is easier to govern and enslave a nation of drinkers than that of abstainers. Is is also well known that with a state of intoxication you can make someone accept any suggestion and carry out deeds which are contrary to their sense of decency and morality. The influence of alcohol on crime is notorious, so much so that it is unnecessary to stress the fact."The drugs problem is another calamity that afflicts mankind, especially the youth. Huge sums of money were invested, but neither the governments not the science are able to find a solution for the problem that day by day becomes more serious and affects all different classes of society.Only through the way we will leam in this lesson we will be able to definitely solve this problem. The addiction is an internal and psychological problem and must be fought in this field. The drug effects are as devastating as the alcohol ones, although its damages are felt earlier.Alcoholism, per se, is a disease that leads to physical, emotional, psychological and social problems. It is a progressive and permanent disease. Apart from this, an excessive use of alcohol affects the functioning of various systems in the body and leads to several complications. We are focusing on the impact of alcohol on the different systems of the body and the consequent damages. Esophagus: It is clear that alcohol damages the esophagus by direct chemical irritation to its mucosa (interior lining).It interferes with normal motor functions, thereby causing an upward movement of the stomach acid into the esophagus which erodes the tissue. The major complication in the process is hemorrhage, which is either preceded gastro-intestinal bleeding, is also caused by the spontaneous rupture of dilated veins along the oesophagus-(the dilation is a result of cirrhosis of the liver).Stomach: Alcohol also causes acute gastric damage accompanied by bleeding. Alcohol has been widely associated with a variety of inflammatory and bleeding lesions of the stomach. The degree of the damage it causes to the lining of the stomach is related to the concentration of alcohol. Damage to the stomach is related to the concentration of alcohol. Damage to the cells rapidly occurs after alcohol ingestion. The mucosal barrier gets damaged and leads to the gastric juice damaging the epithelial cells.Alcohol damages the gastric mucosa and is believed to cause both acute and chronic gastritis. While the effects of alcohol on the stomach tissue are well known, the actual mechanism of damage has not been clearly established. However, excessive use of alcohol is known to be one of hte causative factors of peptic ulcer. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bleeding and epigastric pain may occur. Small Intestine: Digestive disturbances in the small intestine are common in alcoholics. Excessive administrative of alcohol leads to changes in intestinal motility. In the upper part of the intestine, impending peristaltic waves are decreased by alcohol and propulsive waves are unchanged, resulting in an increased rate of propulsion through the small intestine. This contributes the diarrhoea frequently experienced by binge-drinking alcoholics. Togehte, these effects can lead to a generalized irritation of the mucous membrance in the intestine, irritation, rather than being found throughout the gastro intestine, system, can be localized to htc particular portions. Bleeding may occur at any of the irritated sites and this will present a very serious medical problem.Intestinal malabsorption can also result from alcohol ingestion, but the degree is determined by the nature of alcohol consumed, the amount of intake and period of alcohol use. …
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