Ender Görülen Vulvar Multifokal in-situ Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinoma: Olgu Sunumu

Introduction: Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) is the fourth most common type of gynecological cancer, though it is almost very rare in younger group. Material and Methods: In this case report we would like to present a twenty-two years old, non-virgin, a white female with multifocal (approximately more than a hundred) epidermal VSCC at mostly from labia majora through to anal area. Results: All skin lesions including epidermis, dermis, hypodermis and superficial fascia were excised at spinal-epidural combined anesthesia conditions. Healing period was ended uneventfully. In permanent pathological evaluation multifocal in-situ squamous cell carcinoma observed and secure skin margins were obtained. Smear examination showed that our patient had HPV 16 positive Conclusions: VSCC often related with HPV positivity. Therefore generalization of vaccination programs had an important role at preventive treatment. The other genital structures must be evaluated in which having HPV positivity. We recommend that in case determination of any suspicious or newly developed skin lesions at female external genitalia must be referred to related surgery department for excisional biopsy in order to early diagnose of a cancer beginning. Keywords: Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma, vulvar lesion, female external genitalia
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