Intraocular Migration of Porous Polyethylene Malar Implant Used for Treacher Collins Eyelid Reconstruction

Lower eyelid colobomas associated with Treacher Collins syndrome can be challenging to repair because of associated orbital and midfacial dysostosis. Alloplastic implants such as porous polyethylene have been advocated as readily available malar implants to help improve eyelid retraction. The authors report the first case of porous polyethylene implant insidious migration into the orbit with subsequent scleral penetration. A 14-year-old male with Treacher Collins syndrome, presented with a 3-week history of left eye pain, redness, and eyelid swelling unresponsive to topical treatment. He previously had bilateral lower lid coloboma repair with alloplastic implant placement and full-thickness skin grafts. On exam, he had left eye injection and chemosis, with left hypotropia and complete restrictive ophthalmoplegia. Imaging revealed displacement of implant into the orbit with adherence and impingement on the eye globe.
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