Optimizing footwear for the diabetic foot: Data-driven custom-made footwear concepts and their effect on pressure relief to prevent diabetic foot ulceration.

Aims: To assess the effect of data-driven custom-made footwear concepts on plantar pressure relief to prevent diabetic foot ulceration. Methods: Twenty-four neuropathic diabetic patients at high risk of foot ulceration were measured for in-shoe plantar pressures during walking in four data-driven custom-made footwear conditions, an athletic shoe and an off-the-shelf non-therapeutic shoe. Two evidence-based footwear conditions (Shoe-A; Insole-A) follow a scientific-based design protocol, are handmade, and use in-shoe plantar pressure guided optimization. One evidence-based insole condition (Insole-B) uses a barefoot plantar pressure and 3D foot shape-based computer-assisted design and manufacturing (CADCAM) routine. And one insole condition (Insole-C) uses a barefoot and in-shoe plantar pressure and 3D foot shape-based CADCAM design and optimization routine. Patient satisfaction was scored on walking comfort, shoe fit, weight and appearance. Results: All data-driven footwear conditions significantly reduced metatarsal head peak pressure compared with the non-therapeutic shoe (17–53% relief). Shoe-A and Insole-A showed the lowest metatarsal head peak pressures (mean 112–155 kPa, 90–98% of cases
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