Lubrication in Desert Environments: Oil-Soluble Organo-Silver Molecules Designed for In-Situ Deposition of Metallic Silver at High Temperatures

The quest for improved engine performance and reduced emissions drives the design of increasingly sophisticated lubrication technologies. Lubricating oils and greases are engineered to function over a broad range of temperatures and loading conditions. Modern engines operate at higher temperatures, speeds and pressures than previous engines, and therefore require lubricants capable of handling harsher conditions. Reliable performance in extreme conditions is also necessary in emergency and combat situations. Thus, a major challenge for next-generation lubrication technology is to improve performance at extreme temperatures exceeding the thermal degradation limits of conventional engine oils. In automotive engines, the surface temperature of critical tribological components can easily reach 200°C, while asperity contacts can generate ‘flash temperatures’ up to 1000°C. These extreme pressures and temperatures in the contact zones can lead to plastic deformation, wear away mating surfaces, and catalyze chemi...
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