EDUCAÇÃO ALIMENTAR COM PRÉ-ESCOLARES NA PROMOÇÃO DE HÁBITOS SAUDÁVEIS 1 Food education pre-school to promote healthy habits

The food and nutrition education in early childhood institutions is of paramount importance in promoting healthy habits. This paper aims to propose a strategy for nutrition education with preschool children. The activities were held in September in a school the City of Santa Maria (RS) with 20 preschool children from 4 to 6 years, where he initially held an institutional diagnosis and as an evaluation of this study was applied to a questionnaire with mothers about eating habits and hygiene of the child before and after implementation of activities. Activities took place on two afternoons with the kids. It was found that the activities had good acceptance and participation of children. The questionnaire responses show satisfactory result so changes in lifestyle. With this work it was found that the implementation of nutrition education activities can result in the formation of positively influencing knowledge in building healthy habits involving the participation of families and educators of the educational institution.
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