Observations on respiratory and cardiovascular rhythmicities during yogic high-frequency respiration.

: Yogic high-frequency respiration--kapalabhati (KB)--was studied in 24 subjects from a point of rhythmicity. Respiratory movements, blood pressure and R-R intervals of ECG were recorded in parallel and evaluated by spectral analysis of time series. Respiratory signals during KB were modulated by 0.1 Hz rhythm in 82% of experiments. This component was also present in R-R intervals and blood pressure during KB. Frequency (0.2-0.3 Hz) was observed in 67% of respiratory records. The presence of the component 0.2-0.3 Hz in respiration was dependent on resting respiratory frequency. This frequency component was reduced in R-R intervals but increased in blood pressure during kapalabhati as compared to that at rest. The occurrence of both frequency components in respiration during KB supports the hypothesis about the integrative role of cardiovascular and respiratory rhythms in physiological states characterized by altered respiratory frequency.
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