Case study: Tuberculination, serology and bacteriology of sows at a farrowing unit suspected of an infection with Mycobacterium avium

Mycobacterium avium (MA) is considered a zoonotic hazard in pork. Herds delivered at slaughter showing gross lesions indicative of a mycobacterial infection, eg. specific abcesses in lymphoreticular tissue, were bacteriologically positive for MA. A risk factor analysis revealing different possible sources of primary infection was carried out at farms supplying these pigs. Also the common farrowing farm supplying the piglets to these farms was taken into account as a possible source of infection. Intradermal tuberculin testing, serology and tissue sampling was carried out on the sows and finishing pigs. Positive results in tuberculination, serology and bacteriology of pigs and bacteriology of environmental samples are presented. Intradermal tuberculination below the tail is compared with the standard procedure of testing behind the ear (lege artis). This new method of tuberculination is easier to perform. Using relevant slaughterhouse information can be an effective tool to improve the control of food safety hazards in the pork production chain.
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