Congenital Unilateral microtia in a neonate of hypothyroid, hypertensive and diabetic mother – a rare case report

Introduction Anotia is a condition when ears are completely absent while microtia is a congenital anomaly of the face in which the ears are malformed since birth and it ranges in severity from mild structural abnormalities to complete absence of the ear and its parts. Case presentation We report a case of unilateral microtia in a newborn of hypothyroid mother. The mother had severe preeclampsia and her LSCS was done for uncontrolled blood pressure .No other apparent congenital anomaly was detected. The family history of the patient showed that both patient and her father have deafness. Their BERA (brain evoked response audiometry) test showed severe hearing loss on right side and moderate hearing loss on left side. Conclusion: Therefore in this case we found conductive deafness in 3 generations.
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