AACP Council of Deans Report, July 2009

The mission of the Council of Deans is to identify and address major issues related to the conduct of professional, pos-professional and graduate education, research, and service in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. The two major issues addressed by the Council of Deans were the Cost of Experiential Education and the faculty workforce; both were carry-over task forces from the 2007-2008 year. As the result of a town-hall session at the Council of Deans Business Meeting in February of 2009, a new Task Force on Programming for the Council was appointed. The reports of the committees and task forces are presented. Report: Nominations Committee The AACP COD Nominations Committee communicated via email and phone conference to determine the slate of candidates for the chair-elect position that will be voted on this year. The results of the Committee's deliberations were reported at the AACP Annual Meeting and the nominees were introduced at the COD Business meeting. The winner of the election will be sworn in as chair-elect at the 2010 AACP Annual Meeting. This was a difficult decision as the Committee was fortunate to have a number of very well qualified nominees. The Committee considered seven (7) candidates and each of the candidates had a record of extensive accomplishments, experience and commitment to AACP. The Committee was honored to advance the following slate of candidates for the office of chair-elect of the COD: R. Lee Evans (Auburn) Robert McCarthy (Connecticut) Report: Costs of Experiential Education Task Force The taskforce submitted its 15-page scholarly report that summarizes the results of two surveys that were completed anonymously by 36 experiential learning directors and 899 preceptors. The surveys had been sent to 110 deans who shared the survey instructions with the experiential learning directors. The Task Force Report is available on the Council of Deans home page. Report: Joint Task Force On Faculty Workforce: Council of Deans/Council of Faculties The Task Force made three recommendations for action; the full report is available on the Council of Deans home page. A newly comprised task force will be charged for 2009-2010 with new set of charges developed jointly with Council of Faculties Chair, Gary Matzke. Council of Deans Programming Task Force At the “town-hall” discussion held at the Council of Deans Business Meeting in February, the discussion focused on the diverse nature of the interests and focus of CEO deans and the assistant/associate dean members of the Council. COD Chair Kroboth appointed a COD Programming Task Force to consider programming options for the 90 minutes of time allocated to the Council of Deans at the Annual Meeting in Boston. Chair Kroboth will work with Ken Miller to establish the programming group as a standing committee of the COD. The anticipated standing committee would be structured after the current Task Force, which is comprised of the Board Liaison, the Board Liaison-Elect, the Chair-Elect of the Council of Deans, and two appointees such that the committee will have five individuals, at least two of whom represent CEO deans and two of whom represent assistant/associate deans. The Task Force developed a program that consists of: A 45 minute session on pharmacy manpower that will be a joint session of CEO and assistant/associate deans. A 45 minute divided session: Assistant/associate deans: Round table discussions (Martin Brown, moderator) CEO deans: IPPEs (Chris Bradberry, moderator) The programming will be experienced by the COD membership at the Annual Meeting in Boston.
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