Ефективність ультразвукового дослідження гортані для прогнозування тяжкої інтубації трахеї у вагітних

The aim – to compare the efficacy of ultrasound examination of the larynx and different prognostic scales to predict difficult tracheal intubation in pregnant women. Materials and Methods . The analysis of 50 tracheal intubation, direct laryngoscopy 50 and 50 laryngeal ultrasound in pregnant women before and after cesarean section are made. Pregnant women forecasting difficult intubation was performed using two scales: the scale of heavy respiratory Wilson and ultrasound examination of the larynx. Results . It was found that none of the scales does not have significant influence on the prediction of difficult intubation (p>0.05). Conclusions . Direct laryngoscopy and ultrasound examination of the larynx are the most accurate methods for predicting difficult tracheal intubation. Ultrasound examination of the larynx in 81% of cases predicted difficult tracheal intubation in pregnant women
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