Excessive rapid palatal expansion with latham appliance for distal repositioning of protruded premaxilla in bilateral cleft lip and alveolus

Abstract Objective: This article reports a case of bilateral cleft lip and alveolus (BCLA) for which excessive rapid palatal expansion with a Latham appliance was performed for preoperative alignment of the protruded premaxilla. Postoperative changes of maxillary width were investigated with serial plaster casts. Patient and Results: A 3-month-old girl presented with complete BCLA in which the premaxilla was markedly protruded. Preoperative alignment of the protruded premaxilla with a Latham appliance was planned to facilitate primary lip repair. The appliance was placed when the patient was 4.5 months old. The necessary palatal expansion was estimated to be 7.0 mm in order to move the premaxilla backward into the ideal position. After palatal expansion and posterior repositioning of the protruded premaxilla, the primary operation, including cheiloplasty and gingivoperiosteoplasty, was performed when the patient was 7 months old. Excessive maxillary expansion might be a cause of transverse maxillomandibul...
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