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Use of PRP in Rotator Cuff Repair

The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to aid in healing of rotator cuff repair during the perioperative period is still controversial. While the results of meta-analysis and systematic reviews do not support the common use of PRP in the treatment of rotator cuff, their conclusions are hampered by heterogeneity in preparation protocols, timing of delivery, method and number of administration, surgical procedures and postoperative intervention, and rehabilitation protocols. However, there is some evidence that supports a positive effect of healing at the tendon-bone interface in small- to medium-size rotator cuff tears. This case highlights the different steps in diagnosis and treatment of a rotator cuff repair with PRP. We routinely include PRP injection with our rotator cuff repair as we think it gives the best possible environment for rotator cuff healing and is relatively quick and safe. A thorough evaluation of the current literature is included to help the treating physician understand the mechanism of PRP and guide its use in rotator cuff repair.
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