4年制看護系大学における看護基礎教育課程にみる「がん看護学」教育の実態 ―シラバス分析と調査結果―

: This study aimed to examine the status of cancer nursing courses at four-year nursing colleges, and to investigate the needs entailed in establishing such courses. Of 142 affiliate universities of the Japanese Association for Nursing Programs, we conducted a questionnaire survey in 2006 targeting the 19 universities with established courses in cancer nursing and analyzed their syllabi. The results of the questionnaire consisted of valid responses from 15 universities (78.9% valid response rate). Among these 15 universities, 12 (80%) responded that there was a need for establishing cancer nursing courses in the basic curricula of four-year nursing colleges. Our study indicates it is necessary to teach cancer nursing as an independent course in conjunction with other nursing fields at four-year nursing colleges. To accomplish this, we find it ideal to first clarify the goals of the entire curriculum and then find a place for cancer nursing courses therein.
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