Current imaging trends in COVID-19 pneumonia

COVID-19 has rapidly emerged as a pandemic threatening lives and healthcare systems worldwide With the emergence of the disease in Nepal, all faculties of medicine need to be well prepared to face the challenge Fortunately, now plenty of research is available to facilitate our preparedness in the war against COVID-19 The reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction is the current gold standard diagnostic test and chest Computed Tomography scan for screening the disease is considered inappropriate by most society recommendations The Nepal Radiologists' Association has proposed its guidelines which have been endorsed by the Nepal Medical Council This article aims to summarize the role of imaging focusing on chest X-ray and Computed Tomography scan including the indications, specific findings, and important differentials Imaging needs to be done taking necessary precautions, to minimize disease transmission, protect health care personnel, and preserve health care system functioning Copyright © 2020, Nepal Medical Association All rights reserved
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