Two different doses of fulvestrant (F) as second- or further-line hormone therapy (HT) in elderly patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC).

e11547 Background: Fulvestrant (F) is a pure antiestrogen drug approved for MBC of postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor positive disease. The CONFIRM trial has recently demonstrated that a double dose (500 mg/monthly) of F is superior to 250 mg/monthly dose as PFS in MBC. In elderly (age >65 years) patients (pts) HT is the preferred choice when disease is hormone sensitive. The aim of our study was to determine the comparative activity, toxicity and feasibility of two different schedule of F in elderly women with MBC. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in elderly MBC pts treated between 2006-2013 with F after at least one HT. Pts received F 250 or 500 mg im every 28 days until progression. Median age was 70,5 years (66-84). ER e PR status was known in all pts: ER+/PR+ were 56 (94%), ER+/PR- 4 (6%). Histological type were: ductal 52 (86,6%), lobular 8 (13,4%). HER 2 was positive in 4 (6%) pts. All pts were metastatic: 20 (33%) with bone metastasis alone, 40 (66%) with visceral involvemen...
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