Emergency treatment of bleeding esophageal varices

Background. The emorrhage from breakup of the varix esophageal is a dramatic complication of the hypertension of the circle portal, numerous attempts have stayed performed for identify the patients that present taller risk of hemorrhage, to the purpose of to establish the preventive more proper measures to arrive before the first episode of emorrhage. The treatment of the patient with high pressure portal stays still today extremely controversial, to concern the choice of the more opportune strategies, that for it as concerns the choice of the better moment for effect the single therapies. Methods. We have taken 63 patients treatises in urgency for esophageal variceal bleeding in consideration, we of the initial group of the 63 patients have subjected endoscopic 34 patients, subjected elastic binding of the varix 20 patients, and to derivative interventions in urgency 9 patients. Results. The results to distance after surgical treatment for it as concern the rise of encefalopatia it show a percentage of the 60% of patient and the actuarial survival to 5 ages is of the 33.3%, Conclusions. In conclusion seem us of power affirm that the role of the endoscopic of the esophageal varix is preminent in the management of massive acute esophageal bleeding.
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