A Study of New Decade of Agile and Lean Methodologies for Development Software

Organizations adopt software development methodologies and practices that are often not properly evaluated, triggering risk in their projects. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to examine detailed information on the impact and efficiency of Agile and/or Lean practices in organizations, and in this context to provide a basis for creating an ontological model and suggest parameters to consider before adopting software development practices. The synthesised results were obtained from four search engines: ScienceDirect, IEEE, Google Scholar and Springer. The information was categorized according to the research questions covering the foundations of the emergence of Agile and Lean practices, its contributions, impact and efficiency proven through parameters for creating a base ontology model concerning the faults and critical points in the proper use of Software development methodologies and practices as Agile/Lean in organizations. Additionally, this systematic review will allow for the creation like as future work of an ontology that identifies the organizational guidelines to consider before adopting a Software development methodology.
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