An Empiric Study of the Use of Mobile Technology by Users with Intellectual Disability

People with intellectual disabilities can use tablet computers and smartphones to enhance their learning and increase their independent living. Nevertheless, there is a dark side in the use of mobile devices, directed linked with distraction, dependency, and isolation, especially in young people. This research focuses in the question, what kind of activities does people with intellectual disability do with mobile devices? With this objective an empiric study was developed over a population of 25 teenagers of two countries: Mexico and Chile. It included direct observation, surveys, interviews, and active research over two uncontrolled and controlled scenarios. All observations, evaluations and analysis were divided in 3 groups: Usage focus, Performance, and Subjective appreciation, Results showed that the main usage of mobile devices by these teenagers was entertainment, being Youtube® the most popular application. The performance of users varies widely depending of the experience in the use of such devices, but all of them have troubles with text and tiny touchable objects. Users are really happy while using freely their mobile devices, it decreases when the activities area guided and limited by parents or teachers. Parents and teachers see with good eyes the use of mobile devices in classroom and home with educational meanings, but both declare their lack of knowledge in finding the right content.
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