A Whey Protein Complex for Skin Beauty from the Inside Out

Publisher Summary The link between eating habits, health, and physical appearance is becoming increasingly evident and has made consumers all over the world open to the concept of ingestible beauty products. For this highly interesting, fast-growing market segment, DMV International developed a natural ingredient from whey that has been shown in several consumer studies to support a healthy skin appearance. The brand name of this successful ingredient is Praventinf, an ingredient derived from whey predominant in lactoferrin. Lactoferrin-predominant whey is created by a proprietary process that derives a bioactive protein and peptide complex. Lactoferrin-predominant whey protein is based on milk's many bioactive components, with specific physiological effects to support a healthy complexion from the inside. Oral supplementation with lactoferrin-predominant whey protein resulted in a considerable decrease in skin blemishes. The chapter accounts three consumer studies in which it is shown that lactoferrin-predominant whey protein can be used to reduce the number and severity of blemishes associated with a bad complexion and can contribute positively to the physical and emotional well-being of teenagers and young adults. The majority of the study population testified to beneficial effects of lactoferrin-predominant whey protein intake: they noticed reduced blemishes, felt better and healthier, and were determined to continue intake of lactoferrin-predominant whey protein.
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