Provision of the Preparedness and Management of Work of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team at the Premises of the Rospotrebnadzor Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

The paper contains the data on the management of work of the specialized anti-epidemic team (SAET) of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games (2014) in Sochi. Reviewed are the issues of SAET’s preparedness provision: staffing of the team, facility equipping, fitting with diagnostic preparations, professional training and development in view of the mass event mission - participation in interagency exercises, educational courses, seminars, and response drills. For the first time ever, SAET’s reinforced personnel comprised 60 specialists from research institutions and some other Rospotrebnadzor Organization. Provided was preparedness to perform laboratory diagnostics and indicate the agents of 82 nosological forms, including exotic ones. The team conducted investigations at the premises of the two facilities and bacteriological laboratory mounted on the trucks.
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