Objective bilateral tinnitus from palatal nystagmus. Audio and video features of a rare case of palatal myoclonus

Abstract Tinnitus is one of the most represented otological symptom, affecting 15% of adults, worldwide. Literature describes subjective tinnitus when it's perceived by the patient only, and objective tinnitus when it's heard both, by patient and examiner. An objective tinnitus can be caused by a large variety of anomalies and diseases; one of them is Palatal Myoclonus, characterized by rhytmic movements of soft palatal muscles and, only occasionally, involving other near districts. Case presentation. We observed a rare case of essential palatal myoclonus in a 54 y.o. female, suffering from chronic objective bilateral tinnitus, since 35 years, who underwent a wide number of clinical evaluations over the years, without receiving any conclusive diagnosis. In this video, we illustrate all the districts involved in clonic movements: soft palate, larynx and nasal wings. At the same time, we report the spectrographic analysis of tinnitus, recorded in esternal ear canal, taken together with the muscle movements. Palatal Myoclonus has to be considered in the etiological diagnosis of each objective tinnitus and should always be investigated properly.
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