Aging of the Population and the Subsequent Increase in the Mistreatment of the Elderly in Korea

In 1999 there were 242 327 elderly people in Korea suffering from dementia. It is projected that the number of Korean elderly will grow to over 534 000 by 2020, and reach 1 961 575 by 2050. Facility-based care will be required for those with more severe cases of dementia. The family-oriented social welfare system for the elderly that now exists in Korea will not be adequate to meet the needs of the elderly in the coming years. This study was accomplished via questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. A total of 587 cases was analyzed. The results revealed that 58.6% of the respondents perceived that the elderly do not receive proper respect. Neglect was identified as the most serious type of mistreatment of the elderly, followed by verbal mistreatment. The findings revealed that abused persons were more likely to be impoverished, uneducated, physically or mentally frail women who also were socially, psychologically and economically dependent and who lived alone. Mistreatment of the elderly is recognized as a social problem that affects all of us, personally, as caring members of society. Abuse and neglect are not the major concern or responsibility of any one profession, individual, or group. Rather, all involved must address the issues, questions, and concerns raised in order to resolve the problem of mistreatment of the elderly.
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