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Síndrome post-polio

Post polio syndrome is a complex combination of primary and secondary impairments resulting in neuromuscular, musculoeskeletal and psychosocial problems. It was described by Raymond so early in 1875, but this entity was recognized in the I980s. In this syndrome signs and symptoms include new weakness, atrophy, fatigue, deep pain, cold intolerance and frightening new muscle weakness. We report 12 patients, both sexes, their clinical and electrophysiological data. The etiology is unknown. It has been suggested that the neurons that showed histological recovery from the virus may not have been physiologically normal and may be subject to premature aging and failure. Most of the theories as the cause of PPS point to an increase metabolic demand on the giant motor units, with pruning of the axon sprouts to reduce the number of muscle fibers innervated by the motor nerve cell. More pruning than sprouting occurs with downsizing of the number of muscle fibers in the motor units leading to muscle weakness and fatigue.
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