Bile duct complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

A retrospective review and analysis of patients referred to the Division of Gastroenterology and the Section of Gastrointestinal Surgery with common bile duct complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy was undertaken in order to identify injury patterns, management, and outcome. Sixteen patients were identified over a 20-month period. Twelve patients had major common bile duct injuries and four had minor injuries (cystic duct leaks). Seventy-one percent of injuries occurred with surgeons who had done more than 13 laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Eighty-three percent of patients who had major ductal injury did not have a cholangiogram prior to the injury. Sixteen percent of patients with major common bile duct injuries had findings of acute cholecystitis and 58% of these major injuries were “easy” gallbladders. One-third of major injuries were recognized at operation. Two-thirds of immediate repairs failed. All cystic duct leaks were managed nonoperatively.
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