AB1263 Finnish healthvillage.fi-rheumaticdiseases.fi: a specialised care service unit developed together with patients to offer on-line information and treatment for patients in a modern way

Background Finnish on-line Health village environment, so-called HUS-MAP©, was used to develop on-line information for rheumatic patients. Objectives To face the challenge of increasing demand for rheumatological care without additional resources a new virtual client-orientated service was developed. Methods In Finland, an on-line Health village environment, so-called HUS-MAP©, has been developed to offer virtual digital information to citizens, patients, and healthcare professionals. By using this HUS-MAP© environment, we provide information and support to citizens and patients who need information on different rheumatic diseases and various unspecified aches and musculoskeletal pains. The study group consisted of participants from every university hospital in Finland, from local authorities; rheumatologists, other specialists, general practitioners, nurses, special professionals such as physical therapists, and patients. Information provided was based on updated international and Finnish guidelines on rheumatic diseases. After the information was reviewed and accepted by our study group, it was fed into a special program and published on-line in the Health village environment. Results E-service for citizens and patients was opened in March 2017. Detailed description of symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of various rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, connective tissue diseases and vasculitis are available. Early diagnosis and treatment to remission when possible is emphasised. The service aids to identify, by using symptom navigator and questionnaires for back pain, as well as swollen and painful joints those who may have a rheumatic disease and guide patients to find medical services without delay. Already 60 500 persons have visited our website. Conclusions Finnish e-service, rheumaticdiseases.fi, offers an easy way to reach people and increase citizen’s awareness on their own health. By guiding people to search for care the service may reduce delays in diagnosis of rheumatic diseases and the onset of therapy Acknowledgements To patients and healthcare professionals workin in Finnish Helathvillage.fi-rheumaticdisease.fi Disclosure of Interest None declared
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