The First Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxy Discovered by WISE

We report the discovery by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer of the z = 2.452 source WISE J181417.29+341224.9, the first hyperluminous source found in the WISE survey. WISE 1814+3412 is also the prototype for an all-sky sample of ~1000 extremely luminous "W1W2-dropouts" (sources faint or undetected by WISE at 3.4 and 4.6 microns and well detected at 12 or 22 microns). The WISE data and a 350 micron detection give a minimum bolometric luminosity of 3.7 x 10^13 Lsun, with ~10^14 Lsun plausible. Followup images reveal four nearby sources: a QSO and two Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z = 2.45, and an M dwarf star. The brighter LBG dominates the bolometric emission. Gravitational lensing is unlikely given the source locations and their different spectra and colors. The dominant LBG spectrum indicates a star formation rate ~300 Msun/yr, accounting for ~4. WISE 1814+3412 may be a heavily obscured object where the peak AGN activity occurred prior to the peak era of star formation.
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