The effecT of increasing doses of ni Trogen ( n ) applica Tion for some nuT rien T elemen Ts, vi Tamin c and pro Tein con Ten Ts of koma Tsuna ( Brassica rapa v ar. perviridis ) plan T

ACIKGOZ, F. E., A. ADILOGLU, F. DAGLIOGLU, S. ADILOGLU, G. CELIKYURT and O. KARAKAS, 2014. The effect of increasing doses of nitrogen (N) application for some nutrient elements, vitamin C and protein contents of komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) plant. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20: 321-324 This study was conducted to determine the effect of increasing nitrogen (N) application on macro-micro elements, vitamin C, and protein contents of komatsuna. Four doses of N (N0: 0 kg da -1 , N1: 10 kg da -1 , N2: 15 kg da -1 and N3: 20 kg da -1 ) were applied as NH 4 NO 3 fertilizer in greenhouse conditions. The content of Vitamin C decreased in the increasing doses of N. Vitamin C, for N0 dose was obtained as 29.28 mg 100g -1 , for N2 as 21.54 mg 100g -1 , increased with N fertilization. Protein content was positively affected of N fertilization and the protein content was found 32.97 % for N2 dose. K, Ca, Mg, Fe and Cu nutrient elements were found statistically insignificant, for N2 dose under increasing doses of N application; N found as 5.85 %, P 0.81 %, Zn 50 ppm.
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