[Anaesthesia and intensive care for cardiac surgery in France: results of the three days national survey realised in 2001 by the club of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Technics in Cardiac Surgery (ARTECC)].

OBJECTIVES: Ageing of the surgical population and the evolution in anaesthetic techniques have led the Club d'anesthesie-reanimation et techniques en chirurgie cardiaque (ARTECC) to conduct a survey among French cardiac surgery centers. The aim was to profile patient population undergoing cardiac surgery and perioperative techniques employed. STUDY: National prospective study including all adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery on January 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2001. Data were collected during the first 48 postoperative hours. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven referent centers drafted a record form. Sixty-one centers sent back 425 patient forms, 399 were analyzed. The following were statistically studied: type of surgery, patient characteristics, preoperative treatment, monitoring, anaesthesia, cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) characteristics, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of stay in intensive care unit, postoperative complications. RESULTS: Patient mean age was 64.3 +/- 13.3 years. Patients over 80-year-old represented 2.5% of the population. Beating heart coronary aortic bypass grafts (13% surgery) and preoperative transoesophagal echography were not frequent. Propofol and sufentanil were the main anaesthetic agents used. There was a marked trend for fast-track procedures. CONCLUSIONS: The ARTECC study pointed out some reserve in practices and that the impact of new techniques seems limited. Regular use of studies of that kind will provide an effective tool to compare national practices.
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