Six years health status and physiological function evolution in subjects with preclinical COPD

Information on the evolution of health status in patients with preclinical COPD is scarce. We investigated if people with preclinical COPD stages present a health status deterioration over a 6 years period and whether this is related to physiological function decline. Methods: 59 subjects diagnosed with COPD through a screening spirometry were included. They completed the generic EuroQol visual analogic scale (VAS-EQ5D), Short Form Health Survey (SF36), COPD assessment test (CAT), clinical COPD questionnaire (CCQ) and the Hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). FEV 1 , lung diffusion and functional residual capacity (TLCO, FRC), body mass and fat free mass index (BMI, FFMI), handgrip and quadriceps force (HGF, QF/kg), 6min walking test (6MWD) and peak oxygen uptake (VO 2 ), were assessed with different intervals among them. Results: 46 subjects (63±6 years, 27±4kg/m 2 , FEV 1 87±16%pred) had at least 3 years of follow up. Δ=decline, b=baseline Conclusion: 6 years health status decline was detected by VAS-EQ5D and SF36 physical health. Decline in 6MWD, TLCO, HADS or QF/kg, but not in FEV 1, FRC, BMI, FFMI, VO 2 and HGF, was weakly related to health status deterioration in preclinical COPD.
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