Periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges as a form of presentation of neurosyphilis

INTRODUCTION: Neurosyphilis is a recognised cause of epileptic seizures, but its association with periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges (PLED) has been described only rarely, in spite of the fact that it gives rise to acute vascular lesions. CLINICAL CASE: We report the case of a male patient who was diagnosed as having meningovascular syphilis after the onset of tonic clonic epileptic seizures and PLED in the left frontotemporal region. The initial neurological exploration revealed a syndrome of confusion and mild mixed, but predominantly motor, dysphasia. In complementary tests, the most noteworthy features were positive luetic serology in the blood and in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which was confirmed by means of treponemic assays. The patient was treated with penicillin for two weeks. The study was completed with a magnetic resonance (MR) brain scan that showed a small left temporal infarction, which was the origin of the clinical and electrical convulsive activity. The patient s evolution was satisfactory, with an improvement in the language disorder, and the seizures were controlled after the administration of phenytoin. The control electroencephalogram (EEG) that was performed later only showed a slowing in the known injured area. CONCLUSIONS: PLED are an infrequent electroencephalographic pattern whose appearance has been linked with acute brain lesions, mainly with strokes, tumours and meningoencephalitis. When, exceptionally, they appear as a consequence of an ischemia secondary to meningovascular syphilis their significance, clinical features and prognosis do not differ from other causes of a cerebrovascular disease.
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