Further Exploration on the Essence of Yin Deficiency Caused Fire Hyperactivity Syndrome in Precocious Puberty Children Patients

: In this paper 200 girls with precocious puberty or advanced puberty were clinically sur- veyed, and the literatures of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for treating precocious puberty in previ- ous 33 years were retrospectively analyzed. By conjecturing syndromes from symptoms and identifying syndrome types from efficacies of TCM drugs, authors proved that Gan yin deficiency syndrome occupies the same important position as Shen yin deficiency syndrome, or even more important position in syn- drome based treatment of precocious puberty children patients with yin deficiency caused fire hyperactivity syndrome. Therefore, Gan yin deficiency syndrome cannot be neglected in treating precocious puberty pa- tients. Authors further suggested that yin deficiency caused fire hyperactivity syndrome in precocious pu- berty should be exactly described as Gan-Shen yin deficiency caused fire hyperactivity syndrome.
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