Clinical experience with image intensification.

Within a few months of Roentgen's discovery of x-rays, he had made most of the essential observations concerning this new type of energy. Actually, little of fundamental importance concerning the nature of these rays has been added. Great strides have been made, however, in their use. Most of these advancements have been in the nature of engineering triumphs, one of which has been fluoroscopic image intensification. For years, a few radiologists have looked forward to the time when the efficiency of the fluoroscope, in respect to contrast and detail, would approach that of conventional roentgenography, and “daylight fluoroscopy” would become practical. In 1936, Dessauer suggested that some day fluoroscopy would be possible in bright daylight. Chamberlain, in 1941, stated concerning image intensification: “In my opinion, it is just around the comer, and, when it comes, it will put medicine and radiology through another revolution not very different from that which followed the advent of roentgenography and...
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