[Diagnosis and treatment of vascular complications of external iliac arteries after kidney transplantation: a report of 6 cases].

Objective: To explore the characteristics of external iliac artery vascular complications after renal transplantation and the diagnosis and treatment. Methods: We reviewed the clinical data of 6 patients with of external iliac artery vascular complications after renal transplantation from more than 2000 renal transplantation patients in the Transplantation Center of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from 2001 to 2013, and analyzed the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment. Results: The renal allograft was removed in 5 of the 6 patients due to repeated external iliac artery 收稿日期(Date of reception):2013-01-12 作者简介(Biography): 明英姿,博士,主任医师,主要从事器官移植临床及基础研究。 通信作者(Corresponding author):叶啟发,Email: yqf_china@163.com DOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2014.07.017 www.csumed.org/xbwk/fileup/PDF/201407745.pdf ·CASE AnAlySiS· ·临床病例报告· 中南大学学报 (医学版 ), 2014, 39(7) http://www.csumed.org 746 肾 移 植 术 后 髂 外 动 脉 血 管 并 发 症 少 见 , 但 病情凶险,是导致移植肾功能丧失的重要原因之 一,严重则可导致患者死亡。本研究回顾性分析 了2001年至2013年中南大学湘雅三医院移植中心 6例同种异体肾移植术后髂外动脉血管并发症患者 的临床资料,对其发病特点及诊治方法进行分析 总结,以期探索紧急救治此类血管并发症患者的 有效方法,减少病死率,现报告如下。
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