Epidemiology of abnormal glucose metabolism in a country facing its epidemic: SAUDI‐DM study

Background Saudi Arabia is a community thrilled by sudden social and economical changes, leading to a sharp increase in the prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism. Age-specific diabetes and impaired fasting glucose prevalence is the focus of this study with the expected risk factors. Methods A nationwide, household, randomized, population based cohort of 18 034 participants aged ≥30 years was selected to test for abnormal glucose metabolism using fasting plasma glucose (FPG) according to American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria. Results The prevalence of diabetes was 25.4% with 40.3% being unaware of their disease, while impaired fasting glucose (IFG) affected 25.5% of the total sample. IFG to diabetes ratio was one in this study, decreasing with age and increasing with body weight. Age ≥45 years, hypertension, history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and high triglycerides are the strongest risk factors in diabetic patients, while history of GDM, dyslipidemia, obesity, and high triglycerides are the most significant risk factors in IFG participants. Conclusions Abnormal glucose metabolism has reached an epidemic level in this society, where half of adults and older are affected. Risk factors are behind this epidemic and the quick shift from IFG to diabetes in this society. 摘要 背景: 沙特阿拉伯是一个正处于社会与经济快速变化时期的国家,这导致糖代谢异常的患病率急剧上升。这项研究的焦点是特定年龄段的糖尿病与空腹血糖受损的患病率以及预期的危险因素。 方法: 这是一项全国性、以家庭为单位、基于人群的随机队列研究,挑选了18034名年龄 ≥30岁的参与者,根据美国糖尿病协会的标准使用空腹血糖(FPG)检测他们的糖代谢是否异常。 结果: 糖尿病患病率为25.4%,并且40.3%的人不知道他们有糖尿病,在全部的样本人群中空腹血糖受损的患病率为25.5%。在这项研究中空腹血糖受损与糖尿病的比值为1,这个比值随着年龄增加而减少,随着体重增加而增加。在糖尿病患者中年龄 ≥45岁、高血压、妊娠糖尿病病史以及高甘油三酯血症是最强的危险因素,而GDM病史、血脂异常、肥胖以及高甘油三酯血症是空腹血糖受损最显著的危险因素。 结论: 在这个社会中糖代谢异常已经达到了一个流行病的水平,并且已经累及到了一半的成年人与老年人。在这个社会中空腹血糖受损向糖尿病的转变非常迅速,而危险因素却隐藏在这个流行病的背后。
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