Grupo de autoayuda, un factor protector para pacientes con diabetes tipo 2

Introduction: Mexico has the highest contribution to mortality from diabetes in the Americas and one of the highest mortality rates in the world caused by this condition. Treatment and control should be multidisciplinary, being fundamental the education about the disease. Objective: To determine the metabolic and educational impact on of a self-help group (SHG) for diabetics. Material and methods: Cohort study at the Hospital Naval de Veracruz, from October 2017 to January 2018; SHG: 20 patients, outpatient consultation (EC): 80 patients; their level of knowledge was measured by the questionnaire DKQ24; their metabolic control ,with Hb1AC%; emergency room visits, taken from the records of the past six months. Results: Schooling: zero to average in 50% of the SHG; higher than average in 44% of the EC; use of the emergency room: 12% of the SHG, 88% of EC; level of knowledge, good in 95% of the SHG and 52% of the EC; 74% of those with good knowledge did not go to the emergency room in the last six months; a good level of knowledge was related to better control of the Hb1Ac%. Conclusions: The SHG increases the level of knowledge about their disease, regardless of the sociocultural level, providing a protective factor for acute complications and better metabolic control.
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