A New Approach to Exercise Adherence

Abstract Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection, caused by the anaerobic spirochete Treponema pallidum. It is characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations including the oral mucosa, mimicking several diseases, thereby making diagnosis a challenge for clinicians. Therefore, the objective of this work is to report three cases of syphilis that were diagnosed based on oral lesions of different clinical aspects. In this series of cases, the lesions were found on the tongue and hard palate and presented as white plaques, ulcers or erythematous spots associated with ulcers. In the two cases, incisional biopsy was performed, and the histopathological aspects were suggestive of syphilis. Treponemic and non-treponemic tests were positive for all the patients, confirming syphilis. Therapy with benzathine-penicillin, administered intramuscularly led to complete remission of oral lesions in all the patients. The syphilis reemergence in the last years demands its inclusion in the differential diagnosis of several oral lesions. Diagnosing syphilis by oral lesions can be difficult once it can mimic other conditions. Therefore, dentists should know the clinical aspects of this infection, since many cases may exhibit only oral manifestations, to help in the diagnosis and control of the infection spread. Keywords: Syphilis. Treponemal Infections. Oral Manifestations. ResumoA sifilis e uma infeccao sexualmente transmissivel, causada pela espiroqueta anaerobia Treponema pallidum. E caracterizada por uma variedade de manifestacoes clinicas, incluindo a mucosa oral, podendo mimetizar varias doencas, tornando o diagnostico um desafio. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho e relatar tres casos de sifilis diagnosticados a partir de lesoes orais de diferentes aspectos clinicos. Nesta serie de casos, as lesoes foram encontradas na lingua e palato duro e apresentadas como placas brancas, ulceras ou manchas eritematosas associadas a ulceras. Em dois casos, foi realizada biopsia incisional e os aspectos histopatologicos foram sugestivos de sifilis. Os testes treponemicos e nao treponemicos foram positivos para todos os pacientes, confirmando a sifilis. A terapia com penicilina benzatina, administrada por via intramuscular, levou a remissao completa das lesoes orais em todos os pacientes. O ressurgimento da sifilis nos ultimos anos exige sua inclusao no diagnostico diferencial de varias lesoes bucais. O diagnostico da sifilis por lesoes orais pode ser dificil, pois pode mimetizar outras condicoes. Portanto, o dentista deve conhecer os aspectos clinicos dessa infeccao, pois muitos casos podem apresentar apenas manifestacoes orais, para auxiliar no diagnostico e controle da disseminacao da infeccao. Palavras-chave: Sifilis. Infeccao Treponemica. Manifestacoes Orais.
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