High Triglyceride Serum Level as One of Risk Factors of HIV Associated Sensory Neuropathy (P1.324)

Objective: To determine whether high triglyceride serum level is one of the risk factors for HIV associated sensory neuropathy (HIV-SN) Background: HIV infection is a pandemic. There are various complications related to HIV treatment. HIV-SN is a major complication in peripheral nerve system, and the main cause of morbidity in HIV positive patients. High triglyceride serum level is common among HIV patients either due to inflammatory response or adverse effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Methods: A case-control study was conducted at Sanglah Hospital AIDS Research Centre since June 2015 until August 2015. Subject with HIV-SN was defined as cases and subject without HIV-SN as controls, both groups were matched in age, sex and cART type. HIV-SN were evaluated using brief peripheral neuropathy screen. Results: A total number of 42 eligible subjects were divided into case and control groups, each consisted of 21 subject. There were 15 (71,4[percnt]) and 6 (28,6[percnt]) subject with high triglyceride serum level (>= 150 mg/dL) in cases and controls group, respectively. After adjusting other risk factors of HIV-SN (duration of HIV infection and type of opportunistic infection), high triglyceride serum level was proven to be direct and significant risk factor for HIV-SN (OR 5,327; CI 95[percnt] = 1,307-21,715 ; p = 0,02). Conclusions: High triglyceride serum level is one of the significant risk factor for HIV-SN. Disclosure: Dr. Widjaja has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sudewi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Eko Purwata has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nuartha has nothing to disclose. Dr. Widyadharma has nothing to disclose. Dr. Purna Putra has nothing to disclose.
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