Comment on “Chemoradiotherapy regimens for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A Bayesian network meta-analysis”, published in Eur J Cancer 51 (2015), 1570–1579

Yan et al should be congratulated for their work on the controversial debate over the best schedule for chemotherapy (CT) in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) [1]. Theyhave performed aBayesiannetwork meta-analysis (NMA) with random effects to overcome the lack of head-to-head trials, estimated the relative survival benefits of these treatments and provided a ranking of all available treatment options. They conclude that adjuvant CT after concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) does not improve survival compared to CRT and that the efficacies of CRT alone, or CRT followed by adjuvantCTor given after neoadjuvantCTall appeared to be similar for locoregionally advanced NPC. There are however limitations to this work. Most of them are related to the use of published data, but some could have been corrected through a more careful use of
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