2074 Viral acute myocarditis in mexico: type of virus and myocardian damage patterns applying cardiovascular magnetic resonance

The delayed enhancement was present on nineteen patients (95%) and the type Patchy was predominant in one or many foci in the Myocardium and Sub epicardium (84%). The foci were found mainly in the lateral wall (84%) and inferior (68%) of the left ventricle. The viral panel was made in twelve patients, of which seven were positive (53%): 5 patients had influenza(71%), 3 patients had Epstein-Barr (42%), 1 had coxsackie (14%), 1 had citomegalovirus (14%) and 1 had Parvo virus B19 (14%). There were two or more combined virus in two patients. The Influenza virus A and B was correlated with symptoms of higher severity of the cardiac disease (p = 0.03) and affected the inferior wall (p = 0.08). Conclusion The cardiovascular magnetic resonance is a valuable tool to diagnose and monitorate the progress and/or the regression of the acute myocarditis. The delayed enhancement is a frequent feature in viral acute myocarditis and it is an asociated active inflammatory process and/or necrosis. In our investigation, the virus that were found most frequently are: Influenza A and B and Epstein-Barr, mainly, causing damage in the inferior wall with a pattern type Patchy in the mesocardium and sub epicardium. They were correlated with a higher severity of the disease.
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