Determinantes sociales en salud: su relación con el síndrome metabólico

The purpose of this research is to review metabolic syndrome, its impact on the health of adult population, the intervention of health services through programs, as well as its approach in the biological, economic, political and social health areas, the so-called social determinants. The epidemiological, demographic and economic profi le of a population leads to its health or illness. 1.6 million people worldwide are overweight, of which 400 million are obese. The rate of morbidity and premature mortality has increased. Complications from cerebrovascular disease and diabetes affect the quality of life of the population and the health budgets. In Mexico, more than 17 million people are hypertensive, 14 million dyslipidemic, 6 million diabetic, and more than 35 million adults –seven out of every ten– are overweight or obese. We present a historical view of metabolic syndrome. Today organizations such as the American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the Cholesterol Treatment Panel have established criteria for defi ning such pathology. We analyze and describe the social determinants as a set of structural factors and political, environmental and social intermediaries that strongly infl uence the health status of individuals and communities. It is necessary to aggregate the strategies of the health systems, public policies and the general population to attain an overall health improvement.
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