An Analysis of ROSIER Method on handling Acutee Stroke in Emergency Room of PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital

Stroke is one the main cause death in the world or globaly the leading cause of mortality. In Indonesia turned into the No. 1 most noteworthy in Southeast Asia and stroke is additionally alluded to as the Silent Killer``, which is an instance of the reason for death subtly and keeps on tending to build1. RISKESDAS information for 2018 expressed that the commonness of stroke in Indonesia at the time of ≥ 15 years was 10.9% every moment, while in 2013 this pervasiveness was at 7% so that there was an expansion of 3.9% over a time of 5 years. Uncommon Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) as the region that has the most elevated predominance in 2018 is 14.7% which is equivalent to the territory of East Kalimantan2. Treatment of Strokes in ER by and large isn’t ideal, it is demonstrated that the triage framework is as yet not ready to run appropriately, exceptional revival, particularly advance life bolster that supports hemodynamic framework disappointments because of neurological issue, at that point not promptly get an uncommon examination in particular brain CT Scan for decide if this acutee stroke is a kind of hemorrhagic or localized necrosis and there is no particular perception. Emergency Departement officials right now and specialists in the PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping IGD show a large portion of the kwoledge about taking care of acutee stroke in the ER with the ROSIER method in the great class. Aftereffects of investigation Age, instruction and length of work of nurses and doctors are not identified with knowledge about stroke and its care management. The triage of patients who go to the ER is for the most part in the need priority 2 which requires a non-resuscitation adjustment evaluation. The use of the ROSIER method in the treatment of acutee stroke comprises of introductory asesment, resuscitation, availability of supporting assesment, starting conclusion, access to thrombolytic treatment, observation and transfer for acutee stroke patient. The underlying asesment part of acutee stroke has not been done ideally
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