Withdrawal of guanfacine after long-term treatment in essential hypertension. Observations on blood pressure and plasma and urinary noradrenaline.

1. Guanfacine (2–6 mg/day) a centrally acting antihypertensive drug, was effective in controlling blood pressure in 5 essential hypertensives and lowered plasma noradrenaline and urinary catecholamine excretion. 2. Withdrawal of guanfacine by blind substitution of identical placebo tablets under observation in hospital led to a gradual recovery of blood pressure over 2–4 days. 3. Salivary flow, which was reduced on guanfacine, returned to pretreatment levels by 2 days after withdrawal and significantly exceeded control for the next two days. 4. Urinary catecholamine excretion returned to pretreatment levels by 3 days but did not exceed control levels during the period of study. 5. Plasma noradrenaline returned gradually to pretreatment levels, and by day 4 significantly exceeded them. 6. No patient experienced symptoms suggesting catecholamine excess although four out of five reported a headache from the second day onwards. 7. Guanfacine, a centrally acting drug which pharmacologically resembles clonidine, has a slow offset of hypotensive effect over 2–3 days. Symptoms or biochemical evidence of catecholamine excess were not encountered within 48 h of withdrawal, possibly reflecting the longer duration of action and plasma half-life of guanfacine.
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