One Year of Clinical Experience in Postdilution Hemofiltration with Online Reinfusion of Regenerated Ultrafiltrate

Background/Aims: Hemofiltrate reinfusion (HFR) is characterized by the use of regenerated ultrafiltrate as replacement fluid. We set up a new technique, postdilution HFR (PD-HFR), aiming at increasing purification efficiency, treatment tolerance and at reducing inflammatory states. Methods: We performed PD-HFR in 6 uremic patients during 1 year. Dialysis efficacy, dialyzer blood loss and the behavior of cytokines were evaluated. Results: No pyrogenic reactions or other adverse events were recorded. Treatment tolerance was excellent. We observed high urea extraction rates and optimal Kt/V values, high β2-microglobulin (β2m) extraction rates and a decrease in dialyzer blood loss; also IL-6 and TNF-α decreased significantly. Conclusions: Inversion of the standard HFR configuration has allowed us to improve the removal of both urea and β2m, and to decrease dialyzer blood loss, with an optimal tolerance. Moreover, the decrease in cytokine levels might attenuate the uremic microinflammatory state.
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